Gulf Intracoastal Waterway

December 2 – 11, 2019

We returned to Serenity Blue after the Thanksgiving holiday on December 2nd. The next day weather forecast was for calm blue seas and clear blue skies so we departed Dog River and followed the ship channel south on Mobile Bay and turn left into the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway headed toward Florida.

Several large freighters passed us as they were entering the bay and headed to the port of Mobile. Shrimp boats were working the waters to each side of the ship channel, hugh flocks of birds following them with hopes of a easy meal. More and more dolphins came near and entertained us with their frolicking leaps and jumps; a few swam alone side, just a few feet off our starboard and would disappear just as soon as the camera came out.

We passed by Lulu’s Restaurant, owned by Jimmy Buffet’s sister, decided not to stop as it was too late for lunch and we wanted to get to our marina before dark. Not far we arrived at The Wharf marina, Orange Beach, AL and where we will be leaving Serenity Blue while we head back home for the Christmas holidays.

We decided to linger a little longer in Orange Beach before making the long drive home and enjoy the warm weather and the surrounding area. We took long walks, did some shopping, Greg watched a movie at the AMC, ‘Ford vs Ferrari’ and we met Loopers at Villagio Restaurant for social & dinner, all within walking distance of the marina. Susan and Phil of ‘Callin in Gone’ met us for lunch in Magnolia Springs at a place called Jesse’s Restaurant where the food was excellent and the atmosphere was warm and inviting; it used to be an old butcher shop and post office.

We couldn’t leave for home without first taking an evening stroll through the Wharf and enjoy the Christmas lights and music.


Isaiah 7:14 Luke 2:1-20